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Volume 4 - Page 10

Strange though it may seem, but only I assure you, through a very kind offer from one of the Masters, twenty of the boys from the school, on the evening of March 24th., went to the City Hall to see an opera. The opera being Nabucco, one of Verdi’s breath taking works of art. The opera, produced by the Hull Operatic Society, was performed for the first time in many years. Its first appearance was in Milan in 1842.

Taking part in the Opera was the Manchester born Soprano Marion Lowe. She took the part of Abigale. Also taking the parts of Nabucco and Zachariah were John Hanxwell, Baritone and Harvey Allan, Bass Baritone. Other parts were taken by local singers.

The boys who went, many of them for the first time, thoroughly enjoyed the performance, and all were extremely well behaved (as is usual for boys from this School). Such was their interest in the Opera, many wished to go to the New Theatre when the Carl Rosa Opera Company came. Unfortunately, their plea came too late as all the seats had been booked, but all look forward to any other performances which may appear in the near future.

Roger Mason 3A


The school library has taken on a much more dignified appearance since three new book show cases have been provided by the Education Authority.

Last year the School collection which we have on loan from the Hull Public Libraries, had been changed and we now have three hundred books to appeal to everybody’s taste. As well as these books on loan from the library, there almost two hundred books belonging to the school, of which one hundred are in general circulation, the remaining hundred are in the Third Year Reference library. The position regarding the number of books in the library is very good, but the number of boys borrowing a library book is very small. We began the year with a number of ninety books loaned out in the first month. But by June - July the number of books on loan had dropped below the thirty mark. This we feel is very bad for the school of our size and number and we look forward to next term when the library will again be busier.

J. Foster 3A


Last January the Hull Education Committee arranged an aeronautical lecture for the benefit of certain school children from Hull, and the immediate district. For the past two years our School has been fortunate to be able to attend one of these lectures, but unfortunately only a certain number of boys were allowed to attend, due to the seating restrictions. This year, like last year, the lecture was held at the Newland High School and although only a limited number of school children were able to attend, I think nearly all Technical and Grammar Schools from the Hull and district were represented. The first part of the lecture comprised a lantern slide lecture with a running commentary given by one of the directors of Blackburn General Aircraft Company. The slides, which were in colour, illustrated a flight across the USA which the lecturer had taken some months previously. This part of the lecture was most interesting, for it gave a very clear picture of what a typical American Airport looked like.

The second and last part of the lecture consisted of a film dealing with aviation over the last fifty years. In my opinion this was the most interesting item of the lecture because it showed the growth of aviation from the balloon ago to the present age. Beside showing how important the needs of aircraft were and are as regards defence. It showed how the introduction of mechanical flight has completely revolutionized the world. As I have mentioned the film showed the importance of aircraft in defence, and it was seen how the fighter aircraft of the Second World War was traced from the earlier Schneider Cup Trophy winners. The latter stages of the film it was seen how aviation had again changed, and this of course was due to the introduction of the jet engine. The lecture concluded with a vote of thanks given by certain members of the Hull and District Education Committee.

N. Baron 3A


My first impressions of this school, were those of a high school air, at the beginning of the new term, such as is described in stories. The older boys, who have been at this school during the last year, seem to us newcomers to have a very confident attitude towards the new term.

When the teachers arrived to sort us out, I thought “Now we will find out what the teachers are like”! Then we were marched into the school building, this gives you the feeling of smallness and timidness.

The new school was very different from the one from which I had just come. It was very much smaller, but higher, and once inside, I was surprised at the height of the ceilings. This old building, surrounded by the city, was quite different from my old school, which had a large field on one side of it, but on the whole it was just as I had expected it to be.

H. Barker 1B


As I entered the gates to my new school my heart was thumping madly. I wondered if I would like the new subjects and make new friends. Mr. Mason our Mathematics master soon assured us we would soon settle down and enjoy our school life. After the first assembly we went off with our new Form Masters to our classrooms where we all sorted ourselves out and went to a desk of our own. The first week passed in a rush with everybody finding their way around, the school masters trying to get to know all the new boys by name. I soon got to know most of the boys in the school and settled in with school life again. Later on we were all put into houses. By houses I mean teams, there are six houses and during the football season we played each other for a cup. Whilst I have been at the school I have been taught many new subjects in the way of draughtsmanship and mathematics. We lost one teacher during the Christmas term, but the teachers are not so bad once you get to know them. The year has progressed steadily. We have had our mishaps, but have learned many new things and I look forward to another year at school and the new first year that will follow us, but I will always remember my first day at a new school.